User Experience (UX) is the sum total of how people experience your website. It includes everything from content to design, and speed to functionality.
Do you have a fully-functioning application, but the design is dated? With that comes a substantial loss in readability and usability, which detracts from users taking in the content rich areas of the website. We can help with that.
First we'll dig deep and perform research to understand your users, identifying a number of key users and creating profiles from them. These profiles will house their needs, expectations and also their limitations, which we will refer to throughout the design and build. We'll analyse the data, then design wireframes we can test, to be sure the new design works as expected and there are no usability issues.
We start the process by interviewing you and your team as a group and individually. Then we interview a handful of your existing customers and target users, providing incentive. It's important at this stage that we ask the right questions and collect our data in an unbiased manner.
Once we have the user data we need to process and analyse it, attempting to uncover patterns and similarities. The output for the research is affinity diagrams, user personas and scenario documents, which we review internally as a team and then present our findings to you. This gives us direction to begin the design.
Wireframe & Design
We start with simple sketches on paper to make sure the basic flow between page views works well. After some informal testing, presenting our approach to you, and making any needed corrections, we begin the high-fidelity design. Once again, we present designs for the major page views (10-15) and get your feedback on them.
When we have the major views designed, we create a static HTML prototype for testing purposes. The prototype is interactive and resembles what the finished product will look like, but is not fully functional.
User Testing
Testing is absolutely essential for your design to work. We invite 5 testers to our environment, sit them down in front of a computer and ask them to complete certain tasks. We record the test and review them all later, making note of similarities and patterns. Using our findings, we create a series of recommended changes to the designers.