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  • CMS
  • Closed Stakeholder Areas
  • Email Broadcast
  • Multi-Level User Management
  • CRM database
  • Appraisal

01 Requirements

Nissan Design Europe, based in London, needed an 360° Appraisal system that could be used for staff, contractors and senior, Board-level staff.  It needed to be flexible for the consultants and client to change and develop questionnaires, record period comparisons and monitor development.  It was not to be restricted to the traditional Manager/2 Peers/2 Subordinate structure and should include graphical representations and a highly secure environment.

02 Solution

Starting with Free Rein's CMS, the solution had a content structure to guide the appraisers, appraisees and consultants, alongside a standard forms engine and email broadcast.  The system then held a CRM of staff and clustered them for reports, managing the completion by staff and contractors as required.  Each appraisal then held appraiser suggestions for improvements and once all were completed, generated a series of bar and spider charts to illustrate behaviours and capabilities – comparing two periods together (e.g. annual comparison).

03 Result

The result was used for all levels of staff and management, extending to a source of information for Directors monitoring development targets and achievements. The consultancy had full control over the question batch and options for answers and ratings.  They had the flexibility to keep a set of appraisals which were simple or more sophisticated – even allowing comparison across management levels.  The solution was subsequently expanding for the consultancy to handle multiple companies and campaigns.